
Pharmacists have a right (and obligation) to speak up

Pharmacists should remember that the health and well being of patients and the community should be their primary concern when dispensing medicines. A number of recent incidents brought to our attention have highlighted the fact that many pharmacists are reluctant to...

Farewell to Council Member Terry Maunsell

This month we farewell Terry Maunsell, who will leave the Pharmacy Council of NSW after nine years of service. Terry was first appointed to the Pharmacy Board of NSW in 2009 as a member with expertise in hospital pharmacy. She transitioned to the Pharmacy Council in...

Award of education and research grant funding

The Council is pleased to announce the award of $10,000 in grants funding to Hayley Croft and the University of Newcastle for a research project entitled 'Simulation based assessment for evaluating pharmacists' competence in clinical decision making during medication...

Proprietors and financial interest holders: It is that time again - Annual Renewals and Annual Declarations

Pharmacy proprietors and financial interest holders are reminded of the following important dates: 1 June 2018 - Due date for completed Annual Declarations. 30 June 2018 - Due date for payment of the Annual Renewal of Pharmacy Premises fee. An Annual Declaration –...

Exemption from storage requirements for goods requiring refrigeration

A new exemption is now in force exempting the pharmacist in charge of a pharmacy from the storage requirements of clause 73(1) and clause 76 of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008, where the pharmacy is a hospital pharmacy or a retail pharmacy. This...

Attention Pharmacy Owners - revised lodgement dates for 2018

There has been a trend for pharmacy business structures to become increasingly complex over time. This has led to an increase in the volume and complexity of business and financial documentation provided to the Council in support of an ownership application (new...

Good practice to prescribing and dispensing compounded medicines

The Pharmacy Board of Australia and Medical Board of Australia have released a joint statement to remind pharmacists and medical practitioners of their respective responsibilities relating to compounded medicines which in turn will protect patients. A compounded...

Codeine to be script-only

Pain is a significant health burden for many Australians, with up to one in five Australians living with chronic pain. A large proportion of the population rely on over the counter combination medicines containing codeine to manage this pain. However, from 1 February...

Lost, Stolen and Forged Prescriptions

The NSW Ministry of Health will now be publishing the prescriber details of prescriptions reported to have been lost, stolen or forged, on the NSW Ministry of Health website. To report the loss, theft or forgery of prescriptions, pharmacists and authorised...

Owner declarations

Have you submitted your annual declaration yet? Persons holding a financial interest in a NSW pharmacy business must provide the Pharmacy Council of NSW with an annual declaration regarding such interest. 94% of owners have submitted their annual declaration, if you...
