Owner declarations

Have you submitted your annual declaration yet?

Persons holding a financial interest in a NSW pharmacy business must provide the Pharmacy Council of NSW with an annual declaration regarding such interest.

94% of owners have submitted their annual declaration, if you are in the 6% who have not submitted the declaration you must do so immediately.

Download a blank Annual Declaration form.

Annual declaration of a financial interest
All persons holding a financial interest in a pharmacy business during the period 1 May 2016 to 30 April 2017 are required to lodge on or before 30 June 2017.

If you have disposed of your interest in a pharmacy business during the reporting you are still required to submit an annual declaration.

On receipt of the information provided in the annual declaration we check information provided against current records. Where a discrepancy is identified the issue is followed up to ensure the accuracy of the Register of Pharmacies.

Action we may take for failing to submit a declaration on time includes prosecution before the Local Court or dealing with the matter as a complaint of unsatisfactory professional conduct.


What is a financial interest? A financial interest is a financial interest in a pharmacy business.
What is the period for which I need to complete details? 1 May 2016 to 30 April 2017
What is the timeframe in which to complete the declaration? We are required to provide pharmacy owners with the declaration form at least one month in advance of the return date.
You are required to return the information to the Council by 30 June 2017
Am I required to complete a declaration if I did not hold a financial interest for the entire 12 month period between1 May 2016 to 30 April 2017? Yes.
You are required to complete the annual return for the period in which you held a financial interest in a pharmacy even if you no longer hold such an interest.
I sold my pharmacy before 30 April 2017, do I need to complete the return? Yes. See above
Can I complete the return online? We are exploring options to provide an online return but this year you are required to complete a paper declaration.
Do I need to include details of any interstate pharmacy? No. The annual declaration is NSW specific.
How do I return the annual declaration? Annual declaration can be returned to us either by post or as an attachment to an email to mail@pharmacycouncil.nsw.gov.au