Changes to ownership application approvals process

Early in 2020 there will be a number of significant changes to the pharmacy ownership approval process.

Lodgement dates: There will no longer be lodgement dates for receipt of applications. This means that complete and compliant applications will be assessed and approved as they are received without the need to go to a formal meeting.  This will decrease the approval time for the majority of applications. This will not be the case for those incomplete and non-compliant applications referred for consideration at a formal Council meeting.

New premises plan requirements: We will be strengthening our requirements for plans to be submitted with applications for new premises or relocation/resizing of premises.  Under the new requirements, we will require a detailed floor plan and a locational plan to be submitted in support of the application. This will enable us to have a clearer understanding of the location and layout of the proposed premises.

Please check the Council’s website in the new year. The Guide (updated) will be made available as well as updated application forms reflecting the changes.